Tuesday 23 June 2009

The long wait is coming to an end...


I just called the SMU law office.

it's the 24th today. and i'll be getting my outcome pretty soon. sighs. i dont know if i will get in.
but i really hope that i'd be part of this year's JD programme at SMU.

the wait is very torturous. argh.

and i expect, a disappointment due to the way i fared in the interview and the competition between me and my partner.

yet, i wish for a miracle to happen. why is it so difficult for me to get into law school i wonder.

even God says that it's not going to be easy. a lot of futile attempts, and if i dont get through this, will i be applying next year?

i've been through the interviews and i wonder if i'd get in or not. nus is a disappointment.

will smu be one?

i've got 2 days, yea u heard that right. 2 days more.

pray for me, keep my fingers and toes crossed in the meantime.
otherwise, i seriously dont know what am i to do next...

-me, myself and my own life

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Its been one week since i woke up to read the email that i'm not going to be matriculated this year. sighs.

even the divination lot states that its going to be good eventually, and that i have to wait. i wonder if good means being able to be part of some law school or good meaning that i'd have to move on in life, and start building a non-law related career.

i would be happy even if smu takes me in. honestly. though its a freaking sixty grand.

the wait here is so agonizing.the thesis proposal (though i know chances are like 0.05%) seems to be getting nowhere, but i'm determined to finish it by tonight.

Life sucks. I hate where i am today. without any direction to head towards, while everyone out there has a job, has something relevant and significant in their lives, my question is - where am i?


Pray for me that there'll be phone call asking me down for interview? Otherwise, for NUS to accept my appeal, pls?

These two, either one would make me really one happy girl. :)

Monday 18 May 2009

The days of being at home - literally jobless sucks.
Yet i never regretted my decision of leaving that former workplace of mine.

I detest uncertainties. Being unsure. and Left hanging. Going through the lowest point in my life when people around me think i'm okay and i'm enjoying life. No, i'm not. I wish, NUS would just let me know the application outcome, and SMU would call me up for an interview. I wish. I wish.

Will things be rosy? Will i have to go out there and find a job and whine for another year? I'm not getting any younger, sighs. Should I give up this dream if i dont get anything for this year's intake and move on with life?

I dont know! my mind is in a mess... shall go and zzzleep. *prays hard* Two more weeks, at most before this agony ends.